grief, like all emotions, arrives and leaves like the tidal waves.
like u said, inevitability.
thats how the business runs. full circle.
enter, then exit.
my condolences.

i am not sure about you guys,
but in the midst of preparing for my upcoming exams( trying to) i am wondering if all this studying is going to be worth it.
Maybe it is in times like this,
when i try to find the easy way out and say, all this studying is not going to be worth one bit, and i try to fight urges to just call it quits. (but i never find the guts to do that)
But then i realise trying call it quits is actually not the easier way out. it is staying in the "right" education path which is the easier way out.
When will this end? after i graduate? after i receive my honours? my masters? Looking at this, it feels like a long long time.
The more imporatant thing is: is it going to be worth it at the end? will i get the kind of job that i want? will i be missing out on anything?
I don't know. somehow i question the imporatnce of qualifications in this era.

there r 4 types of ppl in this world...
1. one tt owns wealth but not time
2. one tt owns time but not wealth
3. one tt has no wealth, no time
4. one tt owns both wealth n time

i think im becoming a very harsh person.
im not too sure if i derive sadistic pleasure
from seeing that look upon his face.
maybe its the insecurity growing stronger each time now
knowing the impending event
knowing fully well what im doing
yet not knowing what the hell im doing.
maybe im just pms-ing?

hey mj! great to hear from you again man. Hope you and the other guys havent been suffering too much in army man! tell us all bout it if you feel like it :)

yo! guys this is a very interesting site do check it out and

This feels funny.
Is it me or is it them?
The fact that they are still able to get to me means something right?
sometimes i am just so insecure about my friendships.