well said.. well said...

hey everyone...
almost 8 years has passed since our first australia trip.
i remembered being very excited and mostly happy during the trip, exploring and seeing australia through a very different set of eyes.
do you guys remember we took a group picture in front of the sydney opera house?
well i went back to the exact same spot, and this time round, there was only me.
i stood there thinking about how much time has passed, how much things have changed, and how some things might never be the same again, where we all are in different parts of the world (most of us are here in aussie), how we are all growing up and finding our footholds in life.
i feel excited for us, yet sad at the same time. cause it feels like we are leaving some "old" part of us behind.
i hope that the future is bright and sparkly for all of us!
and when we are old and grey, we can make another trip back down to take a picture in front of the sydney opera house and the bridge. (this time with everyone)

on a lighter note, i met up with ah tian and ah tan. it is always comforting to know that your friends are always there for you- to pay for meals and all. hahahah. kidding. i am sure you two blokes know what i mean.

Ah tian and his standing tea leaf-symbolises good luck.

you'll love it~

What not to do, this is what i do!

Kelvin tan with his new arm to improve his performance at the workplace!