Hello people, havent blogged for awhile, just wanted to wish everyone a merry christmas since i most probably wont be able to wish you on the 25th itself since most of you would be out!

2007 has been a strange yet memorable year for me, probably the year that has made the most impact on my life so far and now 2008 is around the corner. So i hope you have your new years resolutions in your pockets ready for firing, with every year that passes life continues to take each of us to our various paths.

Look forward to treating everyone to a good meal when i'm back, keep fit, keep cool, and keep motivated.

PS: I got a new computer!! whoho

3 watches! Which one is the nicest???!!! Damn tempted to get one of them... just too bad no $$... damn sharemarket... cause me to miss the opportunity to own one!

Anyway, how are you guys.. i've got a god damn 6 burner BBQ grill now... come on over! we'l have steak with beer! FRESH FROM THE GRILL!

Biggest pasta ever. Like ice Kachang

Salad for a KING!

Sorry, sticky has parkinsons disease

Man Vrs Wolf