i forgot i had an exam on monday for a course i am doing for the company. bloody shit. now i need to pay for it out of my own pocket. bloody shit. bloody shit shit shit


they stir up strange, funny feelings that you never knew you had.

We're starting to feel the pinch now over here, couple of my friends in the same industry have already been axed. This is not good! Who's gonna pay for my chicken rice!

Dream Catch Me Acoustic

good to see you guys looking all well and round but do remember to save your liver for me yea. Cheers~

Some inspiration for all your future cars

Mornings start off cold, air is always clear, sinus hibernates perpetually
summer rays reflect off the recently awakened skin, it heats up
heat radiates from the clouds, humidity drops
giant clock reads: 5:00 pm 13/01/09, 37.0 degrees celsius

the rain comes and washes over me.
cleansing me,making me feel pure and untainted again.
my spirits are lifted,even for a while,
i welcome it, bask in it.
the rain sliding down my face, my body,
my clothes soaked throughly,
seeping in, and then out of my shoes,
creating a small pool around me.

the sushine after the rain.
all that is left, is that lingering scent.
my little secret.

oh boy, i do love the smell of rain.

tomorrow is another day,
and i am thristy anyway,
so bring on the rain.

Can't remember a time when i had a better time than the last 3 weeks in singapore
I've grown to love beer with a little push from tianli's daily red dot requirements, tall people need lots of beer for carbs to go about their daily routine.
This year looks to be an exciting one! unless i get retrenched which will take the shine out of all my plans. ah well.
peace out people, hope you keep all your new year resolutions! i'm having trouble with mine already

new year at tianli's place. did the usual things-eating,drinking, poker.
fun, fun, fun
excuse the quality of the pictures. i think i need to buy a new camera for the new year.

tianli vs ah xiao.

lao chen in his music video. bubbles sponsored by tharin.

daryl vs andreas. daryl won hands down.

ben you should have stayed longer!