kelvintan, i just wanna say a very very early HAPPY BIRTHDAY! we love you to bits, really :)

other news: ive been bobbed. the hairdresser snipped off my hair this morning and gave me a bob. read that. she gave me a BOB. i know i havent been posting anything much for the past few mths and now that im posting im kinda complaining. but bear with me, i jus wanna say it's a bob.

other than that ive been toying with the idea of a tattoo but decided against it after much thought and consideration, would prefer to use my money on my many holidays to come. haha.

and my friend who came back from germany bought me this lip gloss that looks like ferrero rocher and it's really pretty. i hope all things in europe are that pretty. not that you boys care very much about lip gloss but jus thought i'd share. haha.
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