This is going to take a while to read, sorry.

A friend of mine, let's call him Joe, went back to the states during the two week spring vacation to attend his younger sister's wedding. He came back this week telling me he was getting married.

Okay the crazy bit comes in now. He is getting married to a girl he dated once 4 years ago and 4years later coincidentally bumped into her at a restaurant while he was back in his hometown. And for the next one and a half week they were inseparable. At the end of the week and a half, they announced to their family and friends that they were getting married. She has already chosen a date and looked at bridal gowns.

My first words to him when i heard the news was "Shit, what the hell?! Are you serious? You went home for two weeks and you're getting married to a girl you just happened to run into?!"

So i know that any tom dick harry lucy jane mary can get married in six seconds in Vegas. If you were under the influence of alcohol, drugs or britney, i'd understand. i guess i wasn't expecting a friend who lives far away from Vegas to do the same in barely two weeks.

So i asked him how he knew this was it, that this is the girl for him and he gave the annoying answer movies give. He replied, "When it is it, you just know, you know?" (i don't know, that's why i'm asking. stooopid.) But as he was filling in the details of the week and a half about the girl he's going to marry, he was beaming. And you really can't nitpick at someone who is beaming like that. Neither can you get them to make sense. So i told him that i was happy for him. And i am. As insane as the entire story sounds to me, which friend doesn't want their friend to be happy, right?

Now, i know jen and i wont be able to pull off something like that. As jen says, she's too rational. And i agree. As much as i am a nutcase, i, too, cannot bring myself to skip the whole dating part and get married pronto. Aside from any weird and/or disgusting habits, fetishes or smells the person might have which might seriously gross me out, i need time to vouch for that person's character.

But that thought also set me thinking on a different thread: How much time is enough then to know someone? Someone might have spent years getting to know a person before deciding to marry and discover to their horror that the person they married is a living Jekyll and Hyde. As they say, marriage is more like a beginning rather than an end since it is a very long process. That said, it means that a couple has the rest of their lives to get to know each other till they both grow prune-like and wither. So are those who marry at lightning speed after the initial meeting any less rational than those who don't?
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