Greetings from Sydney!

Hope everyone is doing well in sunny Singapore!
If anyone wants financial news emailed to them just give me a ring and i'll forward you daily reuters/goldman sachs reports. Might be worth your while having a read.

After much thought and consideration about quitting and moving back to Melbourne to get a normal job, i've decided to stay. Winged a couple of interviews and realised that i didn't want to do anything else other than trade.

Making money for a living is an art, not a science, and i think im getting the hang of it. Been doing pretty long hours most days, 9am to 3am, with breaks inbetween every now and then.

Hopefully everything works out well and maybe, just maybe, 2009 was a stepping stone to something far greater.

Am booked to return in January/February, how long for i don't know, but am looking forward to hanging out!

Peace out,
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