now that i am looking more closely at the new blog,
i think the clownish figure is quite freaky.
i am so bored so bored so bored.
i am starving for company, and by company i mean 24/7.
yes i am an extreme person.
because sometimes i can be alone, just cooped up at home for the entire month.
already, i feel like going away.
to be anywhere else but here.
just for information, in case anyone is interested.
i stopped looking for myself a long time ago.
i just failed to mention it that night, not that it would have changed anything.
now that i think about it,
i can hardly remember any truths that you guys said.
i will just go crazy again if i start searching for the real me.
what is the point.
i don't know myself.
ya right, i am just afraid of being myself.
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