wat's exactly a blog?
no one has ever explained nor have i asked.....
after reading countless,the enigma remains.....
awaits someone to unveil wat many asked.....
i sense strong emotions-those of great depth; be it love or hatred-in many.....
could it be a tool that relieves oneself of its emotional obligations?????
i sense cryptic in words, sentences, phrases and even quotations engineered by the great ones.....
could it be a mask one wears to avoid direct contact; to camouflage oneself n yet wanting to declare ur existence????? (dunno whether u call tis oxymoronic behaviour)
i sense honesty, truth, frankness, happiness, joy, ecstasy and wat haf u.....
could it be wat's exactly a blog?????

PS:for the benefit of the english not so well-done ppl out there like mi..... SPARE US THE VOCABS......PEACE GUYS........
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