I find the weirdest times to do certain things. It's 2:20am and I'm trying to do thermodynamics. I listen to my jazz music of which i had become very alienated from. And i realised why i enjoy it so much. It speaks to the very core of my soul and can jus make everythin everythin everythin go away. I found myself jus grinning to myself.... just because. It's been a while since ive been able to do that. I feel centered and whole again....its a nice feeling. :) Its almost like one of those real romantic moments...nice jazz...nice ambience in my room...its cold outside..jus short of snowing... jus need me some candles and me lady and im set. Instead..I have thermo to keep me company! :) Its ok nothin can spoil this now..not even the Otto cycle.
One of those nice winter days last year
One of those nice winter days last year