you know why i love reading so much? it's probably because i seem to find that there's always bits of me in it.

i just finished "catcher in the rye" by j.d. salinger and it got me a teeny bit depressed cuz holden caufield (the protaganist) who is also the narrator is seriously talking to me and telling me his story. holden doesn't like phony people and tells me he's yellow (which in this case doesn't mean chinese, it means someone with no guts). he made me giggle, made me laugh out loud, made me feel like crying and simply made me sad. i had no idea what the title meant initially till im almost done with the book and it's really a simple yet somewhat noble dream that holden has.

i wouldn't wanna spoil it for you and tell you what holden's story is all about cuz firstly there really isn't any of those epilogue or synopsis or whatever you call it that describes the contents of the book; you're supposed to pick it up and start reading and discover it for yourself. secondly, i'll be doing the author a grave injustice by telling you what the story's about cuz there's obviously a reason why he chose not to put the epilogue or synopsis or the whatever-you-call-it in the book in the first place. so go read it yourself and if you've read it, good on you. you'll know never to say "good luck" to anybody ever again.

im just thankful i can devour books once again; proper novels, not textbooks or lecture notes. since im done with the only new novel i have i think i'll hit the bigger screens now and allow jen's dvds and vcds entertain me. i need to watch a couple of movies in the cinema too, it's been way too long.
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