1/29/2006 11:35:00 AM
Happy chinese new year everyone including those overseas!!!
May the year be a FA FA FA year for everyone...
Btw pls check out
www.nvm2006.ntusportsclub.com. This is the first time your friend weiguang is organising a national event. Must support.. HaHa...
stay healthy everyone!!
1/21/2006 05:09:00 PM
1/12/2006 01:44:00 AM
japanese man.... haiz!
1/11/2006 06:03:00 PM
Kospi Squak
dear friends,
im in the middle of a financial situation that i'll rather not talk about, but i just thought that i'd let u know. please do not be insulted or irritated if i do not join u guys for whatever outing. trying my best to save money as i feel very guilty about being a burden. appreciate your understanding.
love, kelvin
1/11/2006 01:13:00 AM
Kospi Squak
mum gave me a book on emotional intelligence that she kept for 10 years.
best book ive ever read. i've realised that being smart means nothing in life.
what makes a successful person successful is whether he/she can manage/control his/her emotions and keep them in tune.
you are what u think you are and what you want yourself to be.
being arrogant for the last 21 years hasnt helped me so i guess its time to change.
today i have become a better person.cheers
1/09/2006 03:35:00 PM
i think japanese men are perverse.
1/05/2006 12:16:00 PM
Kospi Squak
Ah yes, another post to the other 10 naughy people on earth this time.
Time to eat good and healthy food u bunch of unhealthy people! <--- not implying that im super healthy also.
Just thought that i should share what i know about food i guess after reading up.
GOOD FOOD TO EAT = from that stupid 13 (((B E S T))) food in the world book i can only remember half cuz these are the few that i try to eat. if i remember the others i will let u know ya
Tomatoes, Spinach, Orange PULP, Turkey, Pumpkin, BROCOLLI is the king remember, red wine, cranberries <--- any berries. blue, black, what ever if u can find green or purple or whatever than lagi better if they do exist.
Dun eat good food ==========>>>> | o_o | <----- die early + suffer from the evil illnesses!
stay away from everything saturated! fat, sugar, everything! <----- fast food is evil
ok there. i feel better now. back to my slacking.
1/04/2006 12:14:00 AM
i think new years make people want to express appreciation for others cuz it makes you think back on all the things that have taken place in the past year; some things to mourn and some to celebrate; the endless streams of people coming in and going out-some leave footprints while some spit and leave. so now im in a "what if i don't have a tomorrow and miss out on saying important things i should have said but never did either out of sheer laziness or out of a sense of taken-for-grantedness". so many things are temporal, life is; but im kind of digressing here so let me get to what im driving at.
you know how sometimes certain people play an extremely large part in your life at that particular point in time and they seem like they're one of the most important people to you then; like that primary school "best" friend who eats instant noodles at your house every other day and you two hang out like you have absolutely no other friend but thats just cuz you truly enjoy each other's company and hence are inseparable. but you two
are separable and you realise that *gasps* "best" friends don't always stay "best". so you move further and further away from each other like magnets gone wrong, repelling and repelling. a couple of years down and you look at things in retrospect and think, "hey what happened there? why is it that
you now dread meeting up with that person or bumping into him or her on the streets or even on msn and are usually at a complete loss for words and desperately searching for topics that
you now can bring up to last a 3min conversation when
you then could chat or banter for hours on end.
but you've transformed; you've moved on in your own little or big ways; you're no longer
you then but
you now. and the life that
you now have doesnt necessarily want to include some of the people
you then had and perhaps that is better for
you now.
i know i can be overbearing at times and am flawed flawed flawed so
thank you each for being part of
my then and yet putting up with me and still actively being part of
my now.