Yes boys and girls its time again for..... DID U KNOW!

Did you know that...

1) you could light a fire with water?! just fill a clear plastic bag with water, and hang it in front of paper. It acts as a magnifying glass when the sun is up.

2) Fish in japan are now hypnotized before transported to restaurants, as their meat is more tender when they are under less stress. Fish can be hypnotized by simply pressing against a certain part of their spine. Its a company secret! no one knows

3) Chicken can be hypnotized too! just point their head to the ground and draw a line perpendicular to their body direction and they will stay in that position for alittle more than a minute.

4) Sharks can be hypnotized too! turn them upside down and they just lie there

5) Once a month when women are in the fertile part of their cycle they prefer muscular and more masculine looking men, and thats when they will cheat!

6) The north pole is continually moving due to the movement of iron in the earths core. True north is no longer the north pole

7) The earth's magnetic field is caused by all the iron in the earths core. Earth is like a big magnet

8) Generally Asians, Native americans have "Dry" ear wax, and caucasians have "Wet" ear wax. There are only 2 types of ear wax in the world. People with "Wet" eat wax have bigger breasts, and have smelly armpits

9) Dogs are excellent rock climbers! like goats

10) Did you know will be back soon!
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