im sitting at home writing "love letters" to my 87 graduating kids and preparing goodie bags stuffed with wonderful things that rot your teeth and put you on a sugar high.

they're leaving next week and it just seems like such a short time together. yet the time has been nothing but eventful. i've grown to love and care for them so much. it's funny isn't it; how attachment is inevitable when you see the same smiling faces everyday. the faces that make me laugh and smile and warm inside. it also feels especially comforting when they come give me seven-seconds-long hugs. and that green tea chiffon cake which one of the boys made. and sharing posters and pictures of delicious japanese actors/singers whom they idolize. and the time when they walked me back to school after a soccer game. and them trying on my shoes and only getting the big toe in. i'll miss them, for certain.

on a side note: i won't be going back this year; it's cheaper to fly to europe than it is to fly back. so see you all next year. you are always welcomed to visit.....somebody, anybody, take up that invitation already! O_o
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