I am suppose to be working hard on my term papers. one due on wednesday the other on saturday. but i am waiting for my creative juices to flow. too many weeks of not doing anything, my brains aren't thinking, rusty.

It is funny how not a very long time ago i envisioned being 21 as a new beginning, doing new things, just being super happy and contented with my life. happy being 21. But now that i am at the threshold of being 21, it doesn't seem that way. i am still stuck here, my social circle has not expanded in any way, i still have deadlines to meet, i still got to ask money from my parents. basically life is still pretty much similar to the life i had at 16 or 18. more problems in fact. I ain't looking forward to being 21, i am actually dreading it cause life is still going be like that, and the following years to follow. just places me into misery whenever i think about it. sometimes i wish i had more sparks in my life, more exciting things. i am not your "seek out excitement" kind of person. i am more of the "wait for excitement to come" kind. i am still trying to accept the fact that boring can be a good thing. yes it can, yes it can. trying to psycho myself into it. so am i the only lonely soul with this thought? i hope not, or else it is going to be so sad for me! haha.

sociology is seriously screwing up my mind. simple things like food, shopping, holidaying has become more complicated. i see them in a different light. bascially i see the world is a more pessimistic way. crap. talk about embracing life and having hope.
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