i love taipei. it completely rocks my world and i wish i could extend my stay here but i gotta work on friday..haha..sheesh. but im glad i made this trip. the people here are hot hot hot. hahah.. im actually considering coming over to teach english cuz there are like gazillions bu xi zhong xin around..and everyone's tryin to pick up english, they have those handbooks n they sit at starbucks and practice. we went clubbing too at a place called LUXY, it's a gorgeous place but friggin expensive, 700NT per person but i felt it was worth the money, had a lot of fun there. we really should come to taiwan together, seriously. im sure you boys will have a good time. :)

oh and today we went to a place called dan shiu, it reminded me a lil of australia. we went to slack at one of the starbucks (oh macdonalds and starbucks has really taken over the world, they're everywhere in taiwan as well, even in ooo loo areas) in danshui and jus watched the sun set, it was jus beautiful. sigh. haha

anyways i miss you guys, so does jen; wish you guys could see what we're seeing.

and as for the chou dou fu jen told you we ate, jus wanna add that "horrid" is an understatement. ack.
alritey then see you boys soon!
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