i ate rabbit. maybe it was a couple of rabbits i dont know but i know i ate rabbit(s). rabbit satay. seriously.
i felt sorry the moment i found out it was rabbit, i kept seeing a cute fat bunny in my mind's eye.
rabbit doesn't taste that great though, a bit tough, not one bit like chicken. plus it's pinkish even after it's grilled. rabbit satay.

ok, enough rabbit talk.

dreas is poring through his old long forgotten pictures from his childhood and travels with the family and he's convinced that when it comes to appearances, he peaked too early. haha.
and he's such a poser when he was a kid, everything also qiang jing tou (fight for the camera lens), even when it's not his birthday he's posing right behind the cake like he owns it.

ok going to watch taiwanese drama serial now.. hahah.. okbye
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