i currently have four gaping holes in between my teeth,
had them extracted because i'll be braced next friday.
braces with nice hot pink brackets, thats what im looking forward to.

or maybe i shall dress it up a bit for christmas and have hot pink (instead of red) and green? nah..green will look like i have chye sim stuck on my teeth so better not, be on the safe fashion side and so i shall stick to hot pink brackets.

sacrifices must be made in order to achieve straight wonderful teeth so... so long my four teeth!
i shall miss your company and your assistance in chewing solid food which i am currently unable to have any cuz i seriously cannot chew.
i tried a small teeny puny piece of my beloved spicy bak kwa and lo and behold, i really cannot chew with four teeth missing.

let me tell you how useless your front teeth actually are. they dont do anything really. they're just there.

oh i havent told you about the extractions and how cool the dentist's instruments are. they are so cool. they numb your gums with this green cream that looks just like zambak but smells like mint. then there's this anaesthesia that makes a loud "POP" sound which numbs your palate then the dentist injects anaesthesia into your gums and lets you wait for three minutes before using this cool tool to kinda pry the tooth out then using a plier he grabs your tooth and shakes it pretty violently to yank it out and viola! then they stitch you up real quick.

the procedure really isn't that bad, except when they're yanking out the tooth on the lower set of teeth then you feel your entire jaw shake along and then it feels sore for a short while. but when the anaesthesia wears off, it's not painful, just a lil sore, a bit like how it might feel if someone punched you but i wouldnt know, havent been punched and not wanting to be either. so you just gotta deal with walkin around with a gauze-like cotton stuck in between your teeth and paranoid about your drooling cuz you cant feel shit and youre still bleeding but other than the un-glam factor, it's not that bad.

hooray for dentists! and braces with pretty hot pink brackets and other pretty colours! and perfectly wonderful straight teeth!

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