Hello, haven't blogged in awhile, been slacking at home the past few days. I'm waiting to apply for my job and hopefully if everything goes well my Employment Pass will be approved in january and i can start working.

I'm working as a Research Engineer, the position doesnt reflect the real job though, im supposed to program a piece of software the calculates energy usages of buildings. Every single office building has to comply with energy usage standards and currently i think only 2 exist so the government is pushing NUS to further develop their software so they can say something nice to the public! haha.
People who don't comply with the standards set get a huge fine smacked on their ass.

So thats where i come in. i'm writing it! so if i fail all the companies gonna have a headache :S

I think its a tough job, but there are some plusses to it. The pay i hear is at least $2.5k a month, we may be looking at $3k? im not sure i sure hope so. And on top of that, if i work for them for 2 years, i can write a thesis and get a MASTERS! how good is that. paid to study.

But the down side is that i don't get cpf because i'm not singaporean. A normal singaporean worker has 20% of his/her pay deducted. But their employer will refund 13% to that persons cpf. so basically he is only taxed 7%. IM NOT SINGAPOREAN so i get taxed 20%. that sucks.

If i get my employment pass approved we're looking at me doing NS sometime soon! yes! ns! shit i thought i could escape. oh well, i hope i can stay in singapore. Australia pays well but no amount of money can buy friends/family and chicken rice. I'll update u guys soon!
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