i think angela grey is still hot.... haha... was looking through her website...

some updates
20th july is confirmed. it will be held at raffles town club- the usual.
all will be present except kelvin tan (we will ask michelle to represent you) and me (i am on standby on that day- so i am hoping that i get called up for a turnaround flight).
the damage- 30 bucks each for the room and 10 bucks each for cake.
and to make things more exciting we have decided to come up with some "games"- contributed by mj huang
1) ghim moh idol- where we will all take turns to perform the ghim moh song
2) fashion show- where we will all parade in our ghim moh uniforms/t-shirt/ anything that has the gmss logo
well... these are just suggestions that were made...
oh those who are coming back from overseas please buy some alcoholic drinks- cause we are all going to get piss drunk and make merry.

random talk:
the weather has been fucking hot. i take a shower, i come out and i start sweating again.
i just found out today that my face is very problematic. alot of things that i need to rectify.
i want to be a high flyer- cause all my friends are.
i am not so independent afterall.
i love the bustling cities.
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