hahaha... admit it... feelings can be nurtured! and the distance is already starting to take it's toll on you! haha... nah, i'll believe whatever you say, but just don't deny the fact, and don't try to lead a person on, it's really not right... i guess it's more about 'etchical' aspects which i'm wondering about now these days... it's like, we're all saying one thing, but doing another thing.. furthermore, it's when we try to convince ourselves that we ain't doing the 'wrong' thing which makes it more disturbing... hmmm.. just think about it, i'm definately sure that each and everyone one of us out there, has done something, or is doing something, which we know it's wrong... there's this 'gut' feeling that we're not doing the right thing! but... we just don't seem to dmit that fact... why? this is distressing.. what is the society turning into? isn't there something like... integrity or etchis which still exsist? in this world?
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