hey guys if you all happen to watch this coming wednesday ndp parade on tv.. u guys can play 'spot mj the bunnie' game.. haha.. i knoe its lame n 99.99% sure i won't even get close to be spotted..but anyway to those who got nothing better to do let me give u a hint as to where u might spot me. i'll only appear in the last5-10mins of the show, dress in a all gray/white windbreaker and track pants complete with a hood over my head( difficult right?)..haha... and i'll be hanging onto this huge ballon with another dude at the bottom right of ya screen, the ballon will be elevated and lit up... and i reckon there's another chance you might catch me.. it's when the president take his leave... but anyway enjoy the show on tv la..it's not bad n watch out for the fireworks.. pretty gd.. if you ain't interested with those stupid red caps marching or the co-ordinated movements of the performers.. let me bring u to another topic..WOMAN!?.. michelle chia is one of the host for the show and personally i've several close up views and even chatted with her .. and i can cross my heart and say.. she's pretty hot from any angle..hehe!.. last but no least wish you guys all the best in school..(ben don't play too much!!!)

ps : i think alot of misunderstanding is due to miscommunication and also the unwillingness to sacrifice ya own personal pride. i'm glad that i'm able to overcome this and sacrifice some 'material' pride in exchange for the time spent with you. No Regrets.
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