i have a lot of time to think and reminisce so here are some truths about me you probably don't know even though we've been friends for such a long time.

whenever i have an ulcer in my mouth, no matter its size, i always have the urge to sprinkle then rub salt all over it. im truly a sadist despite my demeanour.

i stopped piano lessons when i was 7 because the teacher was nasty and used to hit my hands whenever i let them rest on the edge. i never learnt piano ever since.

i had pet terrapins as a kid and one of them melted under the tap while i was scrubbing its shell with a toothbrush one hot afternoon. i think it cooked while under the running tap water cuz the terrapin's shell became soft, like mush.

i have two small metal sticks embedded in my right foot due to a bunion operation on both feet when i was 15. and no, the alarm doesn't go off when im at the airport customs.

i used to have four teeny weeny moles on my right arm that formed a semicircle and i would "connect the dots" with a pen.

so now you know.

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