just because this blog seems to be dying a slow death, heres a short update on my life in an attempt to revive it!

so i fractured the end of my shin bone, nearer to my ankle, a week and a half ago at work. so im casted up and walking with crutches, which is a huge pain in the arse. especially when ive to hop down my apartment building's stairs one by one and hoping i dont fall and snap my neck in the process. showering is another pain; having to wrap my casted foot with a towel and then wrapping and tying three or four layers of plastic bags just to prevent water from seeping into the cast. i dont want to end up with a mouldy leg. and taxi-ing to and from work is making me yenless; but japan has brilliant work accident insurance coverage. just wished it doesnt take such a bloody long time. just gimme my money, damnit.

so anyway, im looking forward to walking properly, with shoes and all, in 5weeks' time. just in time to meet ayufan. he's lucky he doesnt have to carry an invalid around osaka.

hope you all are healthy! see you all soon!
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