two nights ago i went for shabu shabu with a whole bunch of friends. shabu shabu is what we call steam boat but with delicious japanese beef. i think i might have eaten three plates of beef by myself just cuz they were so damn good. after close to two hours of all-you-can-stuff-your-face, we went to a sleazy looking karaoke place that smelled as good as it looked. but it was all fun because my friends tend to do stupid things when they have alcohol dancing in their systems.

and today i have done nothing else except watch csi new york and eat junk. i love lazy sundays. especially when the dark clouds loom and the winds howl.

oh just an update on my transportation to and from work. my principal has so kindly offered to pick me up every morning and send me home after work. so until i get my cast removed on november 4th, i don't have to taxi to work. yay for kind japanese people.

p.s it was very nice hearing your voices when i called on jen's birthday night. :)
p.p.s jen, if i win the tower of beer, i will give it to you because im such a good friend.
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